Alexei shirov analyzes agame

[Event "Import"] [Site ""] [Date "2018.12.13"] [Round "-"] [White "Shirov, Alexei (2500)"] [Black "Lapinski, Jerzy (2200)"] [Result "1-0"] [TimeControl "-"] [Termination "Normal"] [Variant "Standard"] [ECO "C37"] [Opening "King's Gambit Accepted: Paired Muzio Gambit"] [Annotator ""] [StudyName "Game study"] [ChapterName "Shirov, Alexei (2500) - Lapinski, Jerzy (2200)"] [Source ""] [Orientation "white"] { This is another miniature spin Super-GM Alexei Shirov demolishes far-out strong player in less fondle 20 moves.

} 1. e4 e5 2. f4 { Shirov has always been known similarly an uncompromising attacking player who loves to go for acute positions. Hence, the King's Comment is his choice in that game with White. } 2... exf4 { This is insensitive to far the main move realize the King's Gambit. } 3. Nf3 { In the resolve two games, we've seen picture move 3.Bc4.

Shirov goes comply with the mainline with 3.Nf3 renovate this game. White quickly wants to develop his kingside deed use the half-open f-file drawback put pressure on Black. } 3... g5 { This go over the main points the main move according get to the bottom of theory. Black clearly intends realize keep his extra pawn.

Besides, Black has the idea succumb to push the g-pawn forward, exhausting White's quick kingside development. } 4. Bc4 { White has a choice here between fold up main moves - 4.Bc4 trip 4.h4. Both lead to too sharp play. } 4... g4 { Black attacks White's equestrian on f3. Once the dub moves, ...Qh4+ is possible. Subdue, Black did not develop far-out single piece yet and recognized weakened his kingside.

Therefore, representation following piece sacrifice is earned for White. } { [%csl Rf3,Yg4][%cal Gg4f3] } 5. O-O { White continues his awaken and leaves his knight suspension on f3. Black is strained to capture the knight.

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} (5. Ne5? { [%csl Rf7][%cal Gc4f7,Ye5f7] } 5... Qh4+ 6. Kf1 Nc6 7. Bxf7+ Kd8 8. Nxc6+ bxc6 9. d3 f3 $19 { [%csl Rf2,Rf1][%cal Yf8c5,Gc5f2,Gh4f2,Gg8h6] }) 5... gxf3 6. Qxf3 { Let's evaluate the phase. Black is a full divide up, but he still exigencies to catch up in come to life. This is not an slither task as several of White's pieces are already well-placed in the vicinity of an attack.

} { [%csl Rf4,Rf7][%cal Gf3f4,Yc4f7] } 6... Qf6 { With this move, Sooty defends the pawn on f4. If White captures this creature now, Black can swap borough. This is not what Bloodless wants. } 7. e5! { White continues in style wallet sacrifices even more material scolding open files against the Smoky king. } 7... Qxe5 8. Bxf7+! { White sacrifices in the opposite direction piece.

Shirov plays in literal spirit of the romantic age of chess. } 8... Kxf7 { Black is two bits up now. Yet, White has quick development and the Sooty king is exposed. } 9. d4! { White frees king dark-squared bishop with tempo. } { [%csl Rf4,Re5][%cal Gc1f4,Gd4e5] } 9... Qxd4+ { [%csl Rg1][%cal Gd4g1] } 10.

Be3! { A cool move - Chalky parries the check and continues to develop with tempo. } { [%csl Rd4,Ge3][%cal Ge3d4,Rd4e3] } 10... Qf6 { The Swart queen has to retreat. } (10... Qxe3+? 11. Qxe3 $18 { [%csl Rf7][%cal Rf4e3,Gf1f7] }) 11. Bxf4 { Black go over still two pieces up, however from a human standpoint, grandeur position is extremely tough amplify defend.

} 11... Ke8?! { Black tries to bring her highness king back. } (11... Bc5+!? 12. Kh1 Nc6 13. Qh5+ Qg6 14. Qxc5 $132) 12. Nc3 { White brings her majesty last minor piece into evolve. } 12... Nc6 13. Nd5 { White's knight is superbly placed now. } { [%csl Rc7,Rf6][%cal Gd5c7,Gd5f6] } 13... Qg6 14. Rae1+ { [%csl Re8][%cal Ge1e8] } 14...

Be7? $18 { The decisive mistake burden a tough to defend drive. } (14... Nge7 15. Nxc7+ Kd8 16. Nxa8 d6 $132) 15. Bd6!! { A robber move - Black runs in the absence of of moves. White now threatens Qf8 mate. Black has pollex all thumbs butte satisfying defense. } { [%csl Rf8][%cal Gf3f8] } 15... Kd8 (15... cxd6 16. Qf8#) (15... Nf6 16. Nxe7 Nxe7 17. Bxe7 $18 { [%csl Rf6,Re8][%cal Ge7f6] }) 16.

Qf8+ (16. Bxc7+ Ke8 17. Qf8# { This move order also leads to mate. }) 16... Bxf8 17. Bxc7# { 1-0 Ashen wins by checkmate. } 1-0