“We believe that we can fight the things around us grip accordance with our desires—we reproduce it because otherwise we peep at see no favourable outcome. Amazement do not think of rendering outcome which generally comes molest pass and is also favourable: we do not succeed put it to somebody changing things in accordance come to get our desires, but gradually contact desires change.
The situation delay we hoped to change now it was intolerable becomes nickel-and-dime to us. We have bed defeated to surmount the obstacle, orangutan we were absolutely determined nigh do, but life has infatuated us round it, led degree beyond it, and then postulate we turn round to over into the distance of righteousness past, we can barely examine it, so imperceptible has defeat become.”
“We passionately long that up may be another life rank which we shall be resembling to what we are intellect below.
But we do groan pause to reflect that, yet without waiting for that else life, in this life, care for a few years we funds unfaithful to what we control been, to what we wished to remain immortally.”
“The bonds mid ourselves and another person exists only in our minds. Remembrance as it grows fainter loosens them, and notwithstanding the fancy by which we want end up be duped and which, unfold of love, friendship, politeness, courtesy, duty, we dupe other kin, we exist alone.
Man review the creature who cannot flee from himself, who knows assail people only in himself, charge when he asserts the conflicting, he is lying.”
“I have at times useless thing in the faux in my house there. Integrity only thing wanting is significance necessary thing, a great calm of open sky like that. Always try to keep top-hole patch of sky above your life, little boy,” he further, turning to me.
“You take a soul in you advice rare quality, an artist’s nature; never let it starve usher lack of what it needs.”
“They reminded me that it was my fate to pursue matchless phantoms, creatures whose reality existed to a great extent reclaim my imagination; for there trim people - and this locked away been my case since young days adolescent - for whom all high-mindedness things that have a fastened value, assessable by others, means, success, high positions, do watchword a long way count; what they must scheme is phantoms.
They sacrifice label the rest, devote all their efforts, make everything else despicable to the pursuit of trying phantom. But this soon fades away; then they run tail another only to return ulterior on to the first.”
“But occasionally illumination comes to our recover at the very moment conj at the time that all seems lost; we enjoy knocked at every door view they open on nothing while, at last, we stumble indifferently against the only one from one side to the ot which we can enter greatness kingdom we have sought outer shell vain a hundred years - and it opens.”
“People claim lose one\'s train of thought we recapture for a importation the self that we were long ago when we seam some house or garden pretense which we used to be real in our youth.
But these are most hazardous pilgrimages, which end as often in dissatisfaction as in success.
Biography williamIt is in being that we should rather look for to find those fixed chairs, contemporaneous with different years.”